General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 Survey: Security and Privacy in Video Games

Dota 2 Survey: Security and Privacy in Video Games in General Discussion
100 Suns ~ Wang Qi

    Hey guys, I'm working on my master thesis, which focuses on security and privacy in video games. I'm using Dota 2 as case study.

    I created a survey to collect general information about Dota 2 players. It is completely anonymous, and should take less than five minutes. I'll use this data together with in-game data (from replays, dotabuff, etc.) to expose current security and privacy issues in video games.

    Me and my research group would like to publish this work at an high-level security international conference once it's done. If you would like to contribute to this research, you can find the survey at the project's official web page:

    You can follow the reddit discussion here:


    Leafclubb🍃 ♫

      I'm not sure how many hours I should tick given my inconsistent activity.

      Good luck!

      100 Suns ~ Wang Qi

        Thanks man, just put the most it suites you!


          Interesting, will fill it later after class

          100 Suns ~ Wang Qi

            Thanks :)


              Good luck with your thesis, man!

              100 Suns ~ Wang Qi

                Thanks mate! Please share the link with your friend, I still need a lot of answers ^^

                This comment was edited
                Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                  Could you please enlighten us on how you are going to relate those in-game data (Except word cloud) with security (which is purely related to steam infrastructure) and privacy (which is purely related to what the player is willing to expose ) ?????

                  Edit: And where this data will be stored ?

                  This comment was edited

                    Cant rly do the survey tho,

                    This site can’t be refused to connect.

                    Checking the connection
                    Checking the proxy and the firewall


                      Steam login lol :laugh:

                      100 Suns ~ Wang Qi

                        @Sygma.Pride ~, thanks for asking. I cannot give a complete explanation about the research, first of all because it is at the beginning so we do not have results yet, and secondly we don't want to reveal many details about it risking other researchers to come up with our same idea. I can tell you that we are sure that in-game data can reveal many things about a player, not just how she plays. Moreover, it will be more focused on privacy rather than security. The idea of the research is the one you highligted, you think a player is willing to expose just some information, but with our research we will demonstrate she actually reveals more.

                        The data is securely stored in a google database (firestore), which is not accessible from the outside without credentials.

                        That's weird, I can reach the site and I saw no anomalies about its uptime. Can you try with a different browser/device/connection?

                        The steam login is the same you used to login into dotabuff to post this comment, could you please explain your comment?
                        If you don't trust the website, you can login directly on steam website, than go to our website and login without inserting any credential. Thanks!


                          gl my dude

                          100 Suns ~ Wang Qi

                            @ETdAWESOME thanks man, hope you can do the survey too!

                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!