General Discussion

General DiscussionSo, what's Void Spirit's gimmick?

So, what's Void Spirit's gimmick? in General Discussion
Tu tayta

    Pretty much every new hero introduced to dota since Underlord (original dota Underlord) has had a gimmick that makes them unique or stand out from the rest. The only exception that I can think of being Skymage.
    In fact, almost all heroes have a defining gimmick or trait that gives them an identity. But I can't really think of anything for Void Spirit. Remnants? Obviously not. Vector targeting? Pango got there first. Elusiveness? That doesn't give a hero identity, hell, at this point even extreme elusiveness doesn't. Physical damage block? He stole that from Sven and you could argue Abaddon's shield serves a very similar purpose.

    So what's his gimmick? Being blatantly OP doesn't count...and that can't last long anyway.


      akali in dota

      basement :)

        Dissimilate is fairly unique. There is no ability that is quite like it. The only ability that is slightly close is Puck's Phase Shift.


          If elusiveness doesn't count as identity then half of the heroes have none.


            His mode:Whack-a-mole is pretty unique

            '96 Neve Campbell

              What are you talking about? His phase ability is fucking unique as hell? Name another spell which has similar execution.

              Tu tayta

                I mean...did you read what you just wrote? If half the heroes can be considered elusive, then that elusiveness is not what gives them identity, rather, it's the skills that allow them to be elusive that do. (Example, Storm Spirit being elusive is not what makes the hero, it's the ability to have unrestricted movement if he has enough mana)

                I'm not too convinced about Dissimilate. It looks cool and it's probably the closest thing he has to something unique, but broken down, it's basically phasing while telegraphing where he's going to appear next. PL does that with Doppelganger, only he creates illusions instead of damaging his surroundings. Puck does that with a combination of Phase Shift + Illusory Orb (he can also play mind games with that). Ember can do that with a remnant plus enough targets for Sleight of Fist.


                  Well if you nitpick every ability and find something similar you can do that with every hero. “Oh astral step is just a blink plus sleight of fist with a nuke” or “false promise is just shallow grave with amped healing.Literally every spell and hero can be compared with something else if you try hard enough. But if you really want something “unique” that he has. Well all his spells can be offensive/defensive depending on how you use them. Literally all of them to some extent. His ult is charged based and can be used as a nuke, a slow an escape, a gap closer, a repostitioning. But then you’re going to compare it with ember and say “oh he can do that with sleight and remnants” and you’re comparing things to prove your point again. I mean you compared dissimilate with PL doppelgänger and puck orb+phase shift just to prove your point. But they serve similar and different purposes as with all spells.

                  basement :)

                    Aether Remnant is also unique. There is no spell that sents out something to stand watch and pulls stuff in its view in. If you are going to say that it is not unique because of vector targeting, then no spells in Dota are unique by your definition. Vector targeting is a spell category. Passives, chanelling, non-targetting, and targetting are also spell categories. All spells fall within these categories.


                      ^exactly if OP defines unique by having NOTHING in common with others then no spell/hero is unique

                      Tyrannical Cancer

                        Yup. Not every hero need new mechanics. I mean, u want MK 2.0? Hell no, identity doesnt mean different mechanics


                          his gimmick is being op


                            So much Lost potential on this hero They literally re-skinned Ember. Ember's Shield Check except physical, Embers Remnant Check, embers invincibility followed by damage Check. Its basically ember spirit reskinned. There was soo much potential with the hero.
                            Q- Void: places a Void dealing damage to any hero that walks nearby. Area 300 Damage per Wave 20/40/60/80 Duration 60 Can place up to 8 with 5 second refresh. Mechanically works similar to Firestorm but like it had an accretion disk.
                            W- Astral Step: teleports to a location within 600/1000/1400 attacking all enemies along the patch- Same as his current ult. But make it do a lot less damage. So a smaller crit like 50% or 75%
                            E- Void Resonance: Void Spirit Gains physical resistance based on the number of Voids placed on the map. 2%/3%/4%/5%
                            R- Places a Massive Void in a 650 Radius. Pulls all enemy units toward the center slightly(Can still move like as if covered in bat crap) Any enemy unit still in the void after 3 seconds will take 200 damage and be teleported to a smaller Void and stunned for 2 seconds.
                            This would be pretty awesome. Obviously numbers would need to be tweaked but it would be an extremely unique character IMHO.


                              Well I think it’s pretty cool that he shares similarities with his spirit brothers. And while he occupies the same elusive magic/phys damage niche he does a lot more burst magic while ember has DOT and it reflects their design which I think is dope btw. And I think he has to be more decisive on which skills he needs to save to get out nd which he needs to deal damage since void needs to actually put himself in more danger than ember who can just pump out damage from a distance with sleight and go in when its safe for him. Either way I think their “if you die its probably your fault” playstyle is really cool

                              Tu tayta

                                More than being 100% unique it's about how he has a very similar feel to other preexisting heroes.

                                I did mention Puck, Ember and PL specifically because it doesn't take a lot for them to pull off something similar. Puck can do it every 10 seconds, PL too and it's part of their natural abilities. I'll admit Ember is an iffier example, since he depends on his remnants, but he can still imitate it reasonably frequently.

                                basement :)

                                  If you have not noticed, the general theme of the elemental spirits is high mobility and elusiveness.

                                  Tu tayta

                                    I have noticed, though it's not like those traits aren't found in other heroes.

                                    The other spirits are more unique though.
                                    Storm has unrestricted movement as long as he has mana.
                                    Ember has unrestricted movement based on his remnants.
                                    Earth isn't as mobile, but all his spells are greatly enhanced when used with his remnants.

                                    All pretty unique mechanics if you ask me.

                                    By the way, I'm sorry if I come across as either condescending or sarcastic, that's not my intention at all. I'm actually interested in all you guys have to say and I'm glad that you are posting.