147835141529111661218Talent Tree+1% Static Field Damage25325 AoE Lightning Bolt+0.5s Lightning Bolt Ministun20+60 Arc Lightning Damage+1 Heavenly Jump Target15+75 Thundergod's Wrath Damage+200 Health10+1.75 Mana RegenTalent Tree+1% Static Field Damage25325 AoE Lightning Bolt+0.5s Lightning Bolt Ministun20+60 Arc Lightning Damage+1 Heavenly Jump Target15+75 Thundergod's Wrath Damage+200 Health10+1.75 Mana Regen10Talent Tree+1% Static Field Damage25325 AoE Lightning Bolt+0.5s Lightning Bolt Ministun20+60 Arc Lightning Damage+1 Heavenly Jump Target15+75 Thundergod's Wrath Damage+200 Health10+1.75 Mana Regen13Talent Tree+1% Static Field Damage25325 AoE Lightning Bolt+0.5s Lightning Bolt Ministun20+60 Arc Lightning Damage+1 Heavenly Jump Target15+75 Thundergod's Wrath Damage+200 Health10+1.75 Mana Regen20
147119131416235861218Talent Tree+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No ManaTalent Tree+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No Mana10Talent Tree+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No Mana15Talent Tree+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No Mana20Talent Tree+1 Multishot Wave25+10% Marksmanship Chance50% Gust Self Movement Speed20+25% Multishot Damage-6s Multishot Cooldown15+75 Attack Range+1 Multishot Arrow Per Wave10Gust Costs No Mana25
113151624573891161218Talent Tree-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base DamageTalent Tree-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage10Talent Tree-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage14Talent Tree-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage20Talent Tree-1.5s Enchant Totem Cooldown25-50% Echo Slam Cooldown+50% Enchant Totem Damage20+50 Echo Damage+50 Aftershock Damage15+200 Fissure Range+90 Fissure Damage10+25 Base Damage25
148119131416235761218Talent Tree+25% Magic Resistance25+20% Gunslinger chanceThe Calling summons 2 additional revenants202 Dead Shot Charges+=55 Gunslinger Damage15+3% Max HP Regen while inside The Calling+150 Health10+300 Dead Shot Cast RangeTalent Tree+25% Magic Resistance25+20% Gunslinger chanceThe Calling summons 2 additional revenants202 Dead Shot Charges+=55 Gunslinger Damage15+3% Max HP Regen while inside The Calling+150 Health10+300 Dead Shot Cast Range10Talent Tree+25% Magic Resistance25+20% Gunslinger chanceThe Calling summons 2 additional revenants202 Dead Shot Charges+=55 Gunslinger Damage15+3% Max HP Regen while inside The Calling+150 Health10+300 Dead Shot Cast Range15Talent Tree+25% Magic Resistance25+20% Gunslinger chanceThe Calling summons 2 additional revenants202 Dead Shot Charges+=55 Gunslinger Damage15+3% Max HP Regen while inside The Calling+150 Health10+300 Dead Shot Cast Range20Talent Tree+25% Magic Resistance25+20% Gunslinger chanceThe Calling summons 2 additional revenants202 Dead Shot Charges+=55 Gunslinger Damage15+3% Max HP Regen while inside The Calling+150 Health10+300 Dead Shot Cast Range25
145827910311141661218Talent Tree+0.8s Hoof Stomp Duration25Gains Retaliate Aura-25s Stampede Cooldown20+45 Retaliate Damage+30% Double Edge Strength Damage15+12 Strength+15 Movement Speed10+4 Health RegenTalent Tree+0.8s Hoof Stomp Duration25Gains Retaliate Aura-25s Stampede Cooldown20+45 Retaliate Damage+30% Double Edge Strength Damage15+12 Strength+15 Movement Speed10+4 Health Regen13Talent Tree+0.8s Hoof Stomp Duration25Gains Retaliate Aura-25s Stampede Cooldown20+45 Retaliate Damage+30% Double Edge Strength Damage15+12 Strength+15 Movement Speed10+4 Health Regen15Talent Tree+0.8s Hoof Stomp Duration25Gains Retaliate Aura-25s Stampede Cooldown20+45 Retaliate Damage+30% Double Edge Strength Damage15+12 Strength+15 Movement Speed10+4 Health Regen20Talent Tree+0.8s Hoof Stomp Duration25Gains Retaliate Aura-25s Stampede Cooldown20+45 Retaliate Damage+30% Double Edge Strength Damage15+12 Strength+15 Movement Speed10+4 Health Regen25
1310112457814151661218Talent Tree+400 Sharpshooter Max Damage252 Acorn Shot Charges-3 Armor Corruption20Sharpshooter Provides Vision While Charging+1 Acorn Shot Bounce15+60 Bushwhack Damage+1.5 Mana Regen10+1 Scurry Ability ChargeTalent Tree+400 Sharpshooter Max Damage252 Acorn Shot Charges-3 Armor Corruption20Sharpshooter Provides Vision While Charging+1 Acorn Shot Bounce15+60 Bushwhack Damage+1.5 Mana Regen10+1 Scurry Ability Charge9Talent Tree+400 Sharpshooter Max Damage252 Acorn Shot Charges-3 Armor Corruption20Sharpshooter Provides Vision While Charging+1 Acorn Shot Bounce15+60 Bushwhack Damage+1.5 Mana Regen10+1 Scurry Ability Charge13Talent Tree+400 Sharpshooter Max Damage252 Acorn Shot Charges-3 Armor Corruption20Sharpshooter Provides Vision While Charging+1 Acorn Shot Bounce15+60 Bushwhack Damage+1.5 Mana Regen10+1 Scurry Ability Charge20
113141634582791061218Talent Tree+30s Metamorphosis Duration25-30s Sunder Cooldown+10s Conjure Image Duration20+10 All Stats+10% Reflection Slow/Damage15-20s Metamorphosis Cooldown-2s Conjure Image Cooldown10+1s Reflection DurationTalent Tree+30s Metamorphosis Duration25-30s Sunder Cooldown+10s Conjure Image Duration20+10 All Stats+10% Reflection Slow/Damage15-20s Metamorphosis Cooldown-2s Conjure Image Cooldown10+1s Reflection Duration11Talent Tree+30s Metamorphosis Duration25-30s Sunder Cooldown+10s Conjure Image Duration20+10 All Stats+10% Reflection Slow/Damage15-20s Metamorphosis Cooldown-2s Conjure Image Cooldown10+1s Reflection Duration15Talent Tree+30s Metamorphosis Duration25-30s Sunder Cooldown+10s Conjure Image Duration20+10 All Stats+10% Reflection Slow/Damage15-20s Metamorphosis Cooldown-2s Conjure Image Cooldown10+1s Reflection Duration20Talent Tree+30s Metamorphosis Duration25-30s Sunder Cooldown+10s Conjure Image Duration20+10 All Stats+10% Reflection Slow/Damage15-20s Metamorphosis Cooldown-2s Conjure Image Cooldown10+1s Reflection Duration25
189102111314345761218Talent Tree+140 Chronosphere AoE25+20% Backtrack Chance-1s Time Walk Cooldown20+80 Attack Speed during Chronosphere+12% Time Dilation Slow per Cooldown15+30 Time Lock Damage+0.5s Time Walk Backtrack Duration10+7 Time Dilation DPS Per CooldownTalent Tree+140 Chronosphere AoE25+20% Backtrack Chance-1s Time Walk Cooldown20+80 Attack Speed during Chronosphere+12% Time Dilation Slow per Cooldown15+30 Time Lock Damage+0.5s Time Walk Backtrack Duration10+7 Time Dilation DPS Per Cooldown15Talent Tree+140 Chronosphere AoE25+20% Backtrack Chance-1s Time Walk Cooldown20+80 Attack Speed during Chronosphere+12% Time Dilation Slow per Cooldown15+30 Time Lock Damage+0.5s Time Walk Backtrack Duration10+7 Time Dilation DPS Per Cooldown16Talent Tree+140 Chronosphere AoE25+20% Backtrack Chance-1s Time Walk Cooldown20+80 Attack Speed during Chronosphere+12% Time Dilation Slow per Cooldown15+30 Time Lock Damage+0.5s Time Walk Backtrack Duration10+7 Time Dilation DPS Per Cooldown20
1357918246819202110111213141516Talent Treex2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPSTalent Treex2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPS17Talent Treex2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPS22Talent Treex2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPS23
237814121359101561118Talent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+-50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack RangeTalent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+-50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack Range14Talent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+-50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack Range16Talent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+-50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack Range20