Q137W4142811R618Q5W1316F9R12Talent Tree+1 Echo Slash Attack25+75% Shodo Sai Mark Critical Strike+50% Falcon Rush Evasion20+5% Kazurai Katana Damage Per SecondRaven's Veil Mark Applies Parry Bonus15+2s Falcon Rush Duration+1.5 Mana Regen10+12% Magic ResistanceTalent Tree+1 Echo Slash Attack25+75% Shodo Sai Mark Critical Strike+50% Falcon Rush Evasion20+5% Kazurai Katana Damage Per SecondRaven's Veil Mark Applies Parry Bonus15+2s Falcon Rush Duration+1.5 Mana Regen10+12% Magic Resistance10Talent Tree+1 Echo Slash Attack25+75% Shodo Sai Mark Critical Strike+50% Falcon Rush Evasion20+5% Kazurai Katana Damage Per SecondRaven's Veil Mark Applies Parry Bonus15+2s Falcon Rush Duration+1.5 Mana Regen10+12% Magic Resistance15Talent Tree+1 Echo Slash Attack25+75% Shodo Sai Mark Critical Strike+50% Falcon Rush Evasion20+5% Kazurai Katana Damage Per SecondRaven's Veil Mark Applies Parry Bonus15+2s Falcon Rush Duration+1.5 Mana Regen10+12% Magic Resistance20Talent Tree+1 Echo Slash Attack25+75% Shodo Sai Mark Critical Strike+50% Falcon Rush Evasion20+5% Kazurai Katana Damage Per SecondRaven's Veil Mark Applies Parry Bonus15+2s Falcon Rush Duration+1.5 Mana Regen10+12% Magic Resistance25
Q1489W2357E10131415R61218Talent Tree-30s Call Down Cooldown25-5s Flak Cannon Cooldown+14 Rocket Barrage Damage20+3 Flak Cannon Attacks+25 Flak Cannon Damage15+0.3s Homing Missile Stun Duration+175 Health10+25% Homing Missile DamageTalent Tree-30s Call Down Cooldown25-5s Flak Cannon Cooldown+14 Rocket Barrage Damage20+3 Flak Cannon Attacks+25 Flak Cannon Damage15+0.3s Homing Missile Stun Duration+175 Health10+25% Homing Missile Damage11Talent Tree-30s Call Down Cooldown25-5s Flak Cannon Cooldown+14 Rocket Barrage Damage20+3 Flak Cannon Attacks+25 Flak Cannon Damage15+0.3s Homing Missile Stun Duration+175 Health10+25% Homing Missile Damage16Talent Tree-30s Call Down Cooldown25-5s Flak Cannon Cooldown+14 Rocket Barrage Damage20+3 Flak Cannon Attacks+25 Flak Cannon Damage15+0.3s Homing Missile Stun Duration+175 Health10+25% Homing Missile Damage20Talent Tree-30s Call Down Cooldown25-5s Flak Cannon Cooldown+14 Rocket Barrage Damage20+3 Flak Cannon Attacks+25 Flak Cannon Damage15+0.3s Homing Missile Stun Duration+175 Health10+25% Homing Missile Damage25
Q34514W18111627913R61218Talent Tree+300 Crystal Nova Damage25+1s Frostbite Duration+50 Freezing Field Damage20+225 Attack Speed-4.5s Crystal Nova Cooldown15+100 Frostbite Cast Range+12 Intelligence10+200 HealthTalent Tree+300 Crystal Nova Damage25+1s Frostbite Duration+50 Freezing Field Damage20+225 Attack Speed-4.5s Crystal Nova Cooldown15+100 Frostbite Cast Range+12 Intelligence10+200 Health10Talent Tree+300 Crystal Nova Damage25+1s Frostbite Duration+50 Freezing Field Damage20+225 Attack Speed-4.5s Crystal Nova Cooldown15+100 Frostbite Cast Range+12 Intelligence10+200 Health15Talent Tree+300 Crystal Nova Damage25+1s Frostbite Duration+50 Freezing Field Damage20+225 Attack Speed-4.5s Crystal Nova Cooldown15+100 Frostbite Cast Range+12 Intelligence10+200 Health20Talent Tree+300 Crystal Nova Damage25+1s Frostbite Duration+50 Freezing Field Damage20+225 Attack Speed-4.5s Crystal Nova Cooldown15+100 Frostbite Cast Range+12 Intelligence10+200 Health25
Q1489W2357E10131415R61218Talent Tree+10s Defense Matrix Duration25200 AoE Laser-0.5s Keen Conveyance Channel Time20+10% Defense Matrix Status Resistance+50 Laser Damage15+75 Defense Matrix Damage Barrier+8% Manacost/Manaloss Reduction10+1s March of the Machines DurationTalent Tree+10s Defense Matrix Duration25200 AoE Laser-0.5s Keen Conveyance Channel Time20+10% Defense Matrix Status Resistance+50 Laser Damage15+75 Defense Matrix Damage Barrier+8% Manacost/Manaloss Reduction10+1s March of the Machines Duration11Talent Tree+10s Defense Matrix Duration25200 AoE Laser-0.5s Keen Conveyance Channel Time20+10% Defense Matrix Status Resistance+50 Laser Damage15+75 Defense Matrix Damage Barrier+8% Manacost/Manaloss Reduction10+1s March of the Machines Duration16Talent Tree+10s Defense Matrix Duration25200 AoE Laser-0.5s Keen Conveyance Channel Time20+10% Defense Matrix Status Resistance+50 Laser Damage15+75 Defense Matrix Damage Barrier+8% Manacost/Manaloss Reduction10+1s March of the Machines Duration20Talent Tree+10s Defense Matrix Duration25200 AoE Laser-0.5s Keen Conveyance Channel Time20+10% Defense Matrix Status Resistance+50 Laser Damage15+75 Defense Matrix Damage Barrier+8% Manacost/Manaloss Reduction10+1s March of the Machines Duration25
Q1358W413141627910R61218Talent Tree+140 Chronosphere AoE25+20% Backtrack Chance-1s Time Walk Cooldown20+80 Attack Speed during Chronosphere+12% Time Dilation Slow per Cooldown15+30 Time Lock Damage+0.5s Time Walk Backtrack Duration10+7 Time Dilation DPS Per CooldownTalent Tree+140 Chronosphere AoE25+20% Backtrack Chance-1s Time Walk Cooldown20+80 Attack Speed during Chronosphere+12% Time Dilation Slow per Cooldown15+30 Time Lock Damage+0.5s Time Walk Backtrack Duration10+7 Time Dilation DPS Per Cooldown11Talent Tree+140 Chronosphere AoE25+20% Backtrack Chance-1s Time Walk Cooldown20+80 Attack Speed during Chronosphere+12% Time Dilation Slow per Cooldown15+30 Time Lock Damage+0.5s Time Walk Backtrack Duration10+7 Time Dilation DPS Per Cooldown15Talent Tree+140 Chronosphere AoE25+20% Backtrack Chance-1s Time Walk Cooldown20+80 Attack Speed during Chronosphere+12% Time Dilation Slow per Cooldown15+30 Time Lock Damage+0.5s Time Walk Backtrack Duration10+7 Time Dilation DPS Per Cooldown20Talent Tree+140 Chronosphere AoE25+20% Backtrack Chance-1s Time Walk Cooldown20+80 Attack Speed during Chronosphere+12% Time Dilation Slow per Cooldown15+30 Time Lock Damage+0.5s Time Walk Backtrack Duration10+7 Time Dilation DPS Per Cooldown25
Q13911W4131416E2578R61218Talent Tree-0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay25+252 Damage-15s Blast Off! Cooldown20+125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius+3 Mana Regen15+200 Blast Off! Damage-3s Proximity Mines Cooldown10+20% Magic ResistanceTalent Tree-0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay25+252 Damage-15s Blast Off! Cooldown20+125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius+3 Mana Regen15+200 Blast Off! Damage-3s Proximity Mines Cooldown10+20% Magic Resistance10Talent Tree-0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay25+252 Damage-15s Blast Off! Cooldown20+125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius+3 Mana Regen15+200 Blast Off! Damage-3s Proximity Mines Cooldown10+20% Magic Resistance15Talent Tree-0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay25+252 Damage-15s Blast Off! Cooldown20+125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius+3 Mana Regen15+200 Blast Off! Damage-3s Proximity Mines Cooldown10+20% Magic Resistance20Talent Tree-0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay25+252 Damage-15s Blast Off! Cooldown20+125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius+3 Mana Regen15+200 Blast Off! Damage-3s Proximity Mines Cooldown10+20% Magic Resistance25
Q14892357E11131416R61218Talent Tree+50 Max Headshot Knockback Distance25-30s Shrapnel Charge Restore Time+30% Shrapnel Damage20+2s Take Aim Duration+150 Assassinate Damage15+45 Attack Speed During Take Aim+30 Headshot Damage10+55 Take Aim Attack Range BonusTalent Tree+50 Max Headshot Knockback Distance25-30s Shrapnel Charge Restore Time+30% Shrapnel Damage20+2s Take Aim Duration+150 Assassinate Damage15+45 Attack Speed During Take Aim+30 Headshot Damage10+55 Take Aim Attack Range Bonus10Talent Tree+50 Max Headshot Knockback Distance25-30s Shrapnel Charge Restore Time+30% Shrapnel Damage20+2s Take Aim Duration+150 Assassinate Damage15+45 Attack Speed During Take Aim+30 Headshot Damage10+55 Take Aim Attack Range Bonus15Talent Tree+50 Max Headshot Knockback Distance25-30s Shrapnel Charge Restore Time+30% Shrapnel Damage20+2s Take Aim Duration+150 Assassinate Damage15+45 Attack Speed During Take Aim+30 Headshot Damage10+55 Take Aim Attack Range Bonus20Talent Tree+50 Max Headshot Knockback Distance25-30s Shrapnel Charge Restore Time+30% Shrapnel Damage20+2s Take Aim Duration+150 Assassinate Damage15+45 Attack Speed During Take Aim+30 Headshot Damage10+55 Take Aim Attack Range Bonus25
Q2131416W1357E48911R61218Talent Tree-12s Remnant Charge Restore Time25=2 Sleight of Fist Charges+50 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage20+60 Searing Chains Damage+1s Searing Chains Duration15+100% Flame Guard DPS+165 Flame Guard Barrier Amount10+12 DamageTalent Tree-12s Remnant Charge Restore Time25=2 Sleight of Fist Charges+50 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage20+60 Searing Chains Damage+1s Searing Chains Duration15+100% Flame Guard DPS+165 Flame Guard Barrier Amount10+12 Damage10Talent Tree-12s Remnant Charge Restore Time25=2 Sleight of Fist Charges+50 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage20+60 Searing Chains Damage+1s Searing Chains Duration15+100% Flame Guard DPS+165 Flame Guard Barrier Amount10+12 Damage15Talent Tree-12s Remnant Charge Restore Time25=2 Sleight of Fist Charges+50 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage20+60 Searing Chains Damage+1s Searing Chains Duration15+100% Flame Guard DPS+165 Flame Guard Barrier Amount10+12 Damage20Talent Tree-12s Remnant Charge Restore Time25=2 Sleight of Fist Charges+50 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage20+60 Searing Chains Damage+1s Searing Chains Duration15+100% Flame Guard DPS+165 Flame Guard Barrier Amount10+12 Damage25
Q271314W1589E341016R61218Talent Tree450 AoE Living Armor25-35s Overgrowth Cooldown+45 Leech Seed Damage/Heal20+8 Living Armor Bonus Armor+25 Nature's Grasp Damage15+18% Leech Seed Movement Slow+2.5% Nature's Guise Movement Speed10+2 Living Armor Heal Per SecondTalent Tree450 AoE Living Armor25-35s Overgrowth Cooldown+45 Leech Seed Damage/Heal20+8 Living Armor Bonus Armor+25 Nature's Grasp Damage15+18% Leech Seed Movement Slow+2.5% Nature's Guise Movement Speed10+2 Living Armor Heal Per Second11Talent Tree450 AoE Living Armor25-35s Overgrowth Cooldown+45 Leech Seed Damage/Heal20+8 Living Armor Bonus Armor+25 Nature's Grasp Damage15+18% Leech Seed Movement Slow+2.5% Nature's Guise Movement Speed10+2 Living Armor Heal Per Second15Talent Tree450 AoE Living Armor25-35s Overgrowth Cooldown+45 Leech Seed Damage/Heal20+8 Living Armor Bonus Armor+25 Nature's Grasp Damage15+18% Leech Seed Movement Slow+2.5% Nature's Guise Movement Speed10+2 Living Armor Heal Per Second20Talent Tree450 AoE Living Armor25-35s Overgrowth Cooldown+45 Leech Seed Damage/Heal20+8 Living Armor Bonus Armor+25 Nature's Grasp Damage15+18% Leech Seed Movement Slow+2.5% Nature's Guise Movement Speed10+2 Living Armor Heal Per Second25
Q2468W9131416E1357R111218Talent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack RangeTalent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack Range10Talent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack Range15Talent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack Range20Talent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack Range25