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    Victoria's Secret

      Very good subject indeed,
      For some reason I can only think at countering everything you mentioned above.

      Abaddon and Omniknight




          where is sand king's stun?


            ET didn't even make the disable list lmao


              riki's dart. shaman shackles?


                Great article
                I agree with axe call being the best disable in the game


                  Disruptor: am I joke to you?


                    batrider beast master


                      Just to answer some questions:

                      I think Sand King is solid B/borderline A-Tier. Good duration, mobility on top and decent AoE.

                      Shackles is C-Tier, borderline B-Tier. Look, I love Shadow Shaman and Shackles are an iconic spell, but it is channeling. Fiend's Grip in B tier is less telegraphed, BKB-piercing shackles on a much longer cooldown, but it is still considerably more useful past the laning stage.

                      ET's actually not on the list: I've specifically talked about hard disables only and sleep isn't a part of it. Same for Riki's Dart, which is definitely one of the most annoying things to play against.




                          wait a sec. you forgot MEDUSA Stone Gaze acts as a fantastic defensive mechanism against ganks and initiations alike, with crippling effects on all who dare face the Gorgon. bit fancy but get the hell of the JOB done!


                            I think you underestimate Slithereen Crush. It has double purpose, both disable and waveclear, like Hoof Stomp, but it has more damage, a larger radius and a shorter cooldown than Hoof Stomp. In addition, on top of the stun it has a 6 second move and attack speed slow, which is a significant addition to its disable duration. To win a game you have to not only win the occasional teamfight, you have to win the battle of economies and Slardar is excellent at that. I would put Crush above most of your B-tier disables.


                              You forgot the SSS category: Morphling ult, which can cause the game to crash (with certain caveats). BKB-piercing, no cast time, no commitment, easy to execute, undispellable, ...


                                Where's my boy earthshaker

                                kimbi OG

                                  Naga? Both net and ulti are crazy strong


                                    how about meepo? can unlimited Net for meme. Should be SSS Tier


                                      Pre-cast Magic Missile level 25 on the enemy PA and wait her to BKB Phantom Strike on my carry nearby.

                                      I just want to be held

                                        Doom was not even mentioned.


                                          I say Death is the best disable. Removes hero off the map, they cant farm AND it tilts their team. Its the best status condition bar none.


                                            Def a good subject for what seems like another deathball meta




                                                ITS as if i wrote the post coz our logic is insync. BKB pearcing is truely the topdog of them all. Faceless void is truely the most OP hero in dota to my opinion. I believe in concept of NUMBERS and void does this perfectly. No need for 5man perfect chrono just get atleast2 enemy heroes especially supports and make it a 3v5 fight already wins you the game or battle. I noticed a pattern in the new meta teams picks 5heroes who has this contributing ability once combined by all 5 it BURST an enemy from 100-0. i call it the 5man utlimate. They use one of their spells QWE excluding R without having to use R and just use the low cost low cooldown QWE to pickoff and snowball forward. Yes thats my tip to you guys who also wana reach 90% winrate focus supports first who only takes 2shot to kill and leave the WRAITHKING bristleback type heroes for last. Its common sense but you will be shocked how many pos1 feel obligated to man up to enemy pos1...thats so STUPID when we know that value of supports so rather focus them ez gg wp


                                                  Doesn't Abaddon's Shield dispels Berserker’s Call?