257311131416912181468Talent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack DamageTalent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage10Talent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage15Talent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage20Talent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage25
389111457213141661218Talent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+-50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack RangeTalent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+-50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack Range10Talent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+-50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack Range15Talent Tree+2.5% Liquid Frost and Fire Max Health Damage25+100% Dual Breath Damage and Range+20 Macropyre Damage20+0.4s Ice Path Stun Duration+60 Ice Path Base Damage15+-50 Liquid Fire Attack Speed Slow-2s Dual Breath Cooldown10+150 Attack Range20
179112358413141661218Talent Tree+2 Bedlam Attack Targets25500 Terrorize Impact Damage-7s Bramble Maze CD20+1.5s Shadow Realm Duration+150 Cursed Crown AoE15+30 Bedlam Damage+10 Intelligence10+1s Bedlam DurationTalent Tree+2 Bedlam Attack Targets25500 Terrorize Impact Damage-7s Bramble Maze CD20+1.5s Shadow Realm Duration+150 Cursed Crown AoE15+30 Bedlam Damage+10 Intelligence10+1s Bedlam Duration10Talent Tree+2 Bedlam Attack Targets25500 Terrorize Impact Damage-7s Bramble Maze CD20+1.5s Shadow Realm Duration+150 Cursed Crown AoE15+30 Bedlam Damage+10 Intelligence10+1s Bedlam Duration15Talent Tree+2 Bedlam Attack Targets25500 Terrorize Impact Damage-7s Bramble Maze CD20+1.5s Shadow Realm Duration+150 Cursed Crown AoE15+30 Bedlam Damage+10 Intelligence10+1s Bedlam Duration20Talent Tree+2 Bedlam Attack Targets25500 Terrorize Impact Damage-7s Bramble Maze CD20+1.5s Shadow Realm Duration+150 Cursed Crown AoE15+30 Bedlam Damage+10 Intelligence10+1s Bedlam Duration25
135728911413141661218Talent Tree+150 Static Storm Radius25-12s Glimpse Cooldown+0.6s Thunder Strike Slow Duration20+2s Kinetic Field Duration+1.5s Static Storm Duration15+10%/300 Glimpse Distance To Damage/Max+15 Thunder Strike Damage per Strike10+20 Movement SpeedTalent Tree+150 Static Storm Radius25-12s Glimpse Cooldown+0.6s Thunder Strike Slow Duration20+2s Kinetic Field Duration+1.5s Static Storm Duration15+10%/300 Glimpse Distance To Damage/Max+15 Thunder Strike Damage per Strike10+20 Movement Speed10Talent Tree+150 Static Storm Radius25-12s Glimpse Cooldown+0.6s Thunder Strike Slow Duration20+2s Kinetic Field Duration+1.5s Static Storm Duration15+10%/300 Glimpse Distance To Damage/Max+15 Thunder Strike Damage per Strike10+20 Movement Speed15Talent Tree+150 Static Storm Radius25-12s Glimpse Cooldown+0.6s Thunder Strike Slow Duration20+2s Kinetic Field Duration+1.5s Static Storm Duration15+10%/300 Glimpse Distance To Damage/Max+15 Thunder Strike Damage per Strike10+20 Movement Speed20Talent Tree+150 Static Storm Radius25-12s Glimpse Cooldown+0.6s Thunder Strike Slow Duration20+2s Kinetic Field Duration+1.5s Static Storm Duration15+10%/300 Glimpse Distance To Damage/Max+15 Thunder Strike Damage per Strike10+20 Movement Speed25
235711131416148961218Talent Tree+400 Sharpshooter Max Damage252 Acorn Shot Charges-3 Armor Corruption20Sharpshooter Provides Vision While Charging+1 Acorn Shot Bounce15+60 Bushwhack Damage+1.5 Mana Regen10+1 Scurry Ability ChargeTalent Tree+400 Sharpshooter Max Damage252 Acorn Shot Charges-3 Armor Corruption20Sharpshooter Provides Vision While Charging+1 Acorn Shot Bounce15+60 Bushwhack Damage+1.5 Mana Regen10+1 Scurry Ability Charge10Talent Tree+400 Sharpshooter Max Damage252 Acorn Shot Charges-3 Armor Corruption20Sharpshooter Provides Vision While Charging+1 Acorn Shot Bounce15+60 Bushwhack Damage+1.5 Mana Regen10+1 Scurry Ability Charge15Talent Tree+400 Sharpshooter Max Damage252 Acorn Shot Charges-3 Armor Corruption20Sharpshooter Provides Vision While Charging+1 Acorn Shot Bounce15+60 Bushwhack Damage+1.5 Mana Regen10+1 Scurry Ability Charge20Talent Tree+400 Sharpshooter Max Damage252 Acorn Shot Charges-3 Armor Corruption20Sharpshooter Provides Vision While Charging+1 Acorn Shot Bounce15+60 Bushwhack Damage+1.5 Mana Regen10+1 Scurry Ability Charge25
413141515911237861218Talent Tree+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 DamageTalent Tree+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 Damage10Talent Tree+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 Damage16Talent Tree+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 Damage20Talent Tree+150% Crit On Targets Affected By Spells25+60% Combustion Overheat Damage+10/1% Fiery Soul Per Stack20-20s Laguna Blade Cooldown+150 Light Strike Array Damage155% Fiery Soul Magic Resist Per Stack-3s Dragon Slave Cooldown10+25 Damage25
361015148925111371418Talent Tree2 Arcane Curse charges25+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage250 AoE Last Word201 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce+2s/+1s Arcane Curse Base/Penalty Duration15-20s Global Silence Cooldown+20 Attack Speed10+0.5 Arcane Curse Penalty MultiplierTalent Tree2 Arcane Curse charges25+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage250 AoE Last Word201 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce+2s/+1s Arcane Curse Base/Penalty Duration15-20s Global Silence Cooldown+20 Attack Speed10+0.5 Arcane Curse Penalty Multiplier12Talent Tree2 Arcane Curse charges25+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage250 AoE Last Word201 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce+2s/+1s Arcane Curse Base/Penalty Duration15-20s Global Silence Cooldown+20 Attack Speed10+0.5 Arcane Curse Penalty Multiplier16Talent Tree2 Arcane Curse charges25+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage250 AoE Last Word201 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce+2s/+1s Arcane Curse Base/Penalty Duration15-20s Global Silence Cooldown+20 Attack Speed10+0.5 Arcane Curse Penalty Multiplier20Talent Tree2 Arcane Curse charges25+25% Glaives of Wisdom Damage250 AoE Last Word201 Glaives of Wisdom Bounce+2s/+1s Arcane Curse Base/Penalty Duration15-20s Global Silence Cooldown+20 Attack Speed10+0.5 Arcane Curse Penalty Multiplier25
111314162357148961218Talent TreeTricks of the Trade Applies a Basic Dispel25-1s Cloak and Dagger Fade Delay-4s Blink Strike Replenish Time20+0.3 Backstab Multiplier-3s Smoke Screen Cooldown15+50 Tricks of the Trade Agility Increase+8% Cloak and Dagger Movement Speed10+50 Smoke Screen RadiusTalent TreeTricks of the Trade Applies a Basic Dispel25-1s Cloak and Dagger Fade Delay-4s Blink Strike Replenish Time20+0.3 Backstab Multiplier-3s Smoke Screen Cooldown15+50 Tricks of the Trade Agility Increase+8% Cloak and Dagger Movement Speed10+50 Smoke Screen Radius10Talent TreeTricks of the Trade Applies a Basic Dispel25-1s Cloak and Dagger Fade Delay-4s Blink Strike Replenish Time20+0.3 Backstab Multiplier-3s Smoke Screen Cooldown15+50 Tricks of the Trade Agility Increase+8% Cloak and Dagger Movement Speed10+50 Smoke Screen Radius15Talent TreeTricks of the Trade Applies a Basic Dispel25-1s Cloak and Dagger Fade Delay-4s Blink Strike Replenish Time20+0.3 Backstab Multiplier-3s Smoke Screen Cooldown15+50 Tricks of the Trade Agility Increase+8% Cloak and Dagger Movement Speed10+50 Smoke Screen Radius20Talent TreeTricks of the Trade Applies a Basic Dispel25-1s Cloak and Dagger Fade Delay-4s Blink Strike Replenish Time20+0.3 Backstab Multiplier-3s Smoke Screen Cooldown15+50 Tricks of the Trade Agility Increase+8% Cloak and Dagger Movement Speed10+50 Smoke Screen Radius25
213141614910357861218Talent Treex3x Treant HP/Damage25Removed Teleportation Cooldown+170 Sprout Damage20-15s Wrath of Nature Cooldown+100 Teleportation Barrier15+50 Treant Movement Speed+25 Wrath of Nature Base Damage10-10s Nature's Call CooldownTalent Treex3x Treant HP/Damage25Removed Teleportation Cooldown+170 Sprout Damage20-15s Wrath of Nature Cooldown+100 Teleportation Barrier15+50 Treant Movement Speed+25 Wrath of Nature Base Damage10-10s Nature's Call Cooldown11Talent Treex3x Treant HP/Damage25Removed Teleportation Cooldown+170 Sprout Damage20-15s Wrath of Nature Cooldown+100 Teleportation Barrier15+50 Treant Movement Speed+25 Wrath of Nature Base Damage10-10s Nature's Call Cooldown15Talent Treex3x Treant HP/Damage25Removed Teleportation Cooldown+170 Sprout Damage20-15s Wrath of Nature Cooldown+100 Teleportation Barrier15+50 Treant Movement Speed+25 Wrath of Nature Base Damage10-10s Nature's Call Cooldown20
241014136958111571218Talent TreeStatic Link Steals Attack Speed25Creates A Second Plasma Field Delayed By 0.8s-+-0.1s Eye of the Storm Strike Interval20+25% Storm Surge Slow and Damage+12 Strength15+5 Static Link Damage Steal+10% Spell Lifesteal10+0.75s Plasma Field Slow DurationTalent TreeStatic Link Steals Attack Speed25Creates A Second Plasma Field Delayed By 0.8s-+-0.1s Eye of the Storm Strike Interval20+25% Storm Surge Slow and Damage+12 Strength15+5 Static Link Damage Steal+10% Spell Lifesteal10+0.75s Plasma Field Slow Duration13Talent TreeStatic Link Steals Attack Speed25Creates A Second Plasma Field Delayed By 0.8s-+-0.1s Eye of the Storm Strike Interval20+25% Storm Surge Slow and Damage+12 Strength15+5 Static Link Damage Steal+10% Spell Lifesteal10+0.75s Plasma Field Slow Duration16Talent TreeStatic Link Steals Attack Speed25Creates A Second Plasma Field Delayed By 0.8s-+-0.1s Eye of the Storm Strike Interval20+25% Storm Surge Slow and Damage+12 Strength15+5 Static Link Damage Steal+10% Spell Lifesteal10+0.75s Plasma Field Slow Duration20Talent TreeStatic Link Steals Attack Speed25Creates A Second Plasma Field Delayed By 0.8s-+-0.1s Eye of the Storm Strike Interval20+25% Storm Surge Slow and Damage+12 Strength15+5 Static Link Damage Steal+10% Spell Lifesteal10+0.75s Plasma Field Slow Duration25