135724891013141561218Talent Tree+50 Max Headshot Knockback Distance25-30s Shrapnel Charge Restore Time+30% Shrapnel Damage20+2s Take Aim Duration+150 Assassinate Damage15+45 Attack Speed During Take Aim+30 Headshot Damage10+55 Take Aim Attack Range BonusTalent Tree+50 Max Headshot Knockback Distance25-30s Shrapnel Charge Restore Time+30% Shrapnel Damage20+2s Take Aim Duration+150 Assassinate Damage15+45 Attack Speed During Take Aim+30 Headshot Damage10+55 Take Aim Attack Range Bonus11Talent Tree+50 Max Headshot Knockback Distance25-30s Shrapnel Charge Restore Time+30% Shrapnel Damage20+2s Take Aim Duration+150 Assassinate Damage15+45 Attack Speed During Take Aim+30 Headshot Damage10+55 Take Aim Attack Range Bonus16Talent Tree+50 Max Headshot Knockback Distance25-30s Shrapnel Charge Restore Time+30% Shrapnel Damage20+2s Take Aim Duration+150 Assassinate Damage15+45 Attack Speed During Take Aim+30 Headshot Damage10+55 Take Aim Attack Range Bonus20Talent Tree+50 Max Headshot Knockback Distance25-30s Shrapnel Charge Restore Time+30% Shrapnel Damage20+2s Take Aim Duration+150 Assassinate Damage15+45 Attack Speed During Take Aim+30 Headshot Damage10+55 Take Aim Attack Range Bonus25
411131413916257861218Talent Tree35% Sand Storm Slow and Blind25+10 Epicenter Pulses+100/12 Base/Incremental Radius of Epicenter20-2s Burrowstrike Cooldown+150 Burrowstrike Cast Range15+20 Sand Storm Damage Per Second+100 Caustic Finale Radius10+8% Stinger SlowTalent Tree35% Sand Storm Slow and Blind25+10 Epicenter Pulses+100/12 Base/Incremental Radius of Epicenter20-2s Burrowstrike Cooldown+150 Burrowstrike Cast Range15+20 Sand Storm Damage Per Second+100 Caustic Finale Radius10+8% Stinger Slow10Talent Tree35% Sand Storm Slow and Blind25+10 Epicenter Pulses+100/12 Base/Incremental Radius of Epicenter20-2s Burrowstrike Cooldown+150 Burrowstrike Cast Range15+20 Sand Storm Damage Per Second+100 Caustic Finale Radius10+8% Stinger Slow15Talent Tree35% Sand Storm Slow and Blind25+10 Epicenter Pulses+100/12 Base/Incremental Radius of Epicenter20-2s Burrowstrike Cooldown+150 Burrowstrike Cast Range15+20 Sand Storm Damage Per Second+100 Caustic Finale Radius10+8% Stinger Slow20Talent Tree35% Sand Storm Slow and Blind25+10 Epicenter Pulses+100/12 Base/Incremental Radius of Epicenter20-2s Burrowstrike Cooldown+150 Burrowstrike Cast Range15+20 Sand Storm Damage Per Second+100 Caustic Finale Radius10+8% Stinger Slow25
489112131416135761218Talent Tree+1s Rage Duration25+1% Feast Heal and Damage+25% Open Wounds Lifesteal20+15% Infest Target Movespeed/Health+15% Open Wounds Slow15+50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack Speed+3% Ghoul Frenzy Movement Speed10+4 All StatsTalent Tree+1s Rage Duration25+1% Feast Heal and Damage+25% Open Wounds Lifesteal20+15% Infest Target Movespeed/Health+15% Open Wounds Slow15+50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack Speed+3% Ghoul Frenzy Movement Speed10+4 All Stats10Talent Tree+1s Rage Duration25+1% Feast Heal and Damage+25% Open Wounds Lifesteal20+15% Infest Target Movespeed/Health+15% Open Wounds Slow15+50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack Speed+3% Ghoul Frenzy Movement Speed10+4 All Stats15Talent Tree+1s Rage Duration25+1% Feast Heal and Damage+25% Open Wounds Lifesteal20+15% Infest Target Movespeed/Health+15% Open Wounds Slow15+50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack Speed+3% Ghoul Frenzy Movement Speed10+4 All Stats20Talent Tree+1s Rage Duration25+1% Feast Heal and Damage+25% Open Wounds Lifesteal20+15% Infest Target Movespeed/Health+15% Open Wounds Slow15+50 Ghoul Frenzy Attack Speed+3% Ghoul Frenzy Movement Speed10+4 All Stats25
289101357411131461218Talent Tree+1% Static Field Damage25325 AoE Lightning Bolt+0.5s Lightning Bolt Ministun20+60 Arc Lightning Damage+1 Heavenly Jump Target15+75 Thundergod's Wrath Damage+200 Health10+1.75 Mana RegenTalent Tree+1% Static Field Damage25325 AoE Lightning Bolt+0.5s Lightning Bolt Ministun20+60 Arc Lightning Damage+1 Heavenly Jump Target15+75 Thundergod's Wrath Damage+200 Health10+1.75 Mana Regen15Talent Tree+1% Static Field Damage25325 AoE Lightning Bolt+0.5s Lightning Bolt Ministun20+60 Arc Lightning Damage+1 Heavenly Jump Target15+75 Thundergod's Wrath Damage+200 Health10+1.75 Mana Regen16Talent Tree+1% Static Field Damage25325 AoE Lightning Bolt+0.5s Lightning Bolt Ministun20+60 Arc Lightning Damage+1 Heavenly Jump Target15+75 Thundergod's Wrath Damage+200 Health10+1.75 Mana Regen20Talent Tree+1% Static Field Damage25325 AoE Lightning Bolt+0.5s Lightning Bolt Ministun20+60 Arc Lightning Damage+1 Heavenly Jump Target15+75 Thundergod's Wrath Damage+200 Health10+1.75 Mana Regen25
181013491416235761218Talent Tree-0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay25+252 Damage-15s Blast Off! Cooldown20+125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius+3 Mana Regen15+200 Blast Off! Damage-3s Proximity Mines Cooldown10+20% Magic ResistanceTalent Tree-0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay25+252 Damage-15s Blast Off! Cooldown20+125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius+3 Mana Regen15+200 Blast Off! Damage-3s Proximity Mines Cooldown10+20% Magic Resistance11Talent Tree-0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay25+252 Damage-15s Blast Off! Cooldown20+125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius+3 Mana Regen15+200 Blast Off! Damage-3s Proximity Mines Cooldown10+20% Magic Resistance15Talent Tree-0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay25+252 Damage-15s Blast Off! Cooldown20+125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius+3 Mana Regen15+200 Blast Off! Damage-3s Proximity Mines Cooldown10+20% Magic Resistance20
313141628911145761218Talent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash DamageTalent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash Damage10Talent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash Damage15Talent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash Damage20
135710111415248961318Talent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack DamageTalent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage12Talent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage16Talent TreeShadowraze Applies Attack Damage25Feast of Souls Grants +30% Cast Speed+0.2s Requiem Fear per line20+2 Damage Per Soul+120 Shadowraze Damage15Presence Aura Affects Buildings+30 Feast of Souls Attack Speed10+30 Shadowraze Stack Damage20
135144781129101361218Talent Tree+1 Weave Armor Reduction/Increase25+-40% Poison Touch Slow+75 Poison Touch DPS20-4s Shallow Grave Cooldown+90 Attack Speed15+45 Shadow Wave Heal / Damage+1.75 Mana Regen10+300 Poison Touch Attack RangeTalent Tree+1 Weave Armor Reduction/Increase25+-40% Poison Touch Slow+75 Poison Touch DPS20-4s Shallow Grave Cooldown+90 Attack Speed15+45 Shadow Wave Heal / Damage+1.75 Mana Regen10+300 Poison Touch Attack Range15Talent Tree+1 Weave Armor Reduction/Increase25+-40% Poison Touch Slow+75 Poison Touch DPS20-4s Shallow Grave Cooldown+90 Attack Speed15+45 Shadow Wave Heal / Damage+1.75 Mana Regen10+300 Poison Touch Attack Range16Talent Tree+1 Weave Armor Reduction/Increase25+-40% Poison Touch Slow+75 Poison Touch DPS20-4s Shallow Grave Cooldown+90 Attack Speed15+45 Shadow Wave Heal / Damage+1.75 Mana Regen10+300 Poison Touch Attack Range20
135741113142891061218Talent Tree+140 Chronosphere AoE25+20% Backtrack Chance-1s Time Walk Cooldown20+80 Attack Speed during Chronosphere+12% Time Dilation Slow per Cooldown15+30 Time Lock Damage+0.5s Time Walk Backtrack Duration10+7 Time Dilation DPS Per CooldownTalent Tree+140 Chronosphere AoE25+20% Backtrack Chance-1s Time Walk Cooldown20+80 Attack Speed during Chronosphere+12% Time Dilation Slow per Cooldown15+30 Time Lock Damage+0.5s Time Walk Backtrack Duration10+7 Time Dilation DPS Per Cooldown15Talent Tree+140 Chronosphere AoE25+20% Backtrack Chance-1s Time Walk Cooldown20+80 Attack Speed during Chronosphere+12% Time Dilation Slow per Cooldown15+30 Time Lock Damage+0.5s Time Walk Backtrack Duration10+7 Time Dilation DPS Per Cooldown16Talent Tree+140 Chronosphere AoE25+20% Backtrack Chance-1s Time Walk Cooldown20+80 Attack Speed during Chronosphere+12% Time Dilation Slow per Cooldown15+30 Time Lock Damage+0.5s Time Walk Backtrack Duration10+7 Time Dilation DPS Per Cooldown20Talent Tree+140 Chronosphere AoE25+20% Backtrack Chance-1s Time Walk Cooldown20+80 Attack Speed during Chronosphere+12% Time Dilation Slow per Cooldown15+30 Time Lock Damage+0.5s Time Walk Backtrack Duration10+7 Time Dilation DPS Per Cooldown25
139102478511131461218Talent Tree-8s Snowball Cooldown2512% Chance Walrus Punch+75% Walrus Punch Crit20-6s Ice Shards Cooldown+120 Snowball Damage15+325 Health+0.75s Walrus Punch Stun Duration10+2s Tag Team DurationTalent Tree-8s Snowball Cooldown2512% Chance Walrus Punch+75% Walrus Punch Crit20-6s Ice Shards Cooldown+120 Snowball Damage15+325 Health+0.75s Walrus Punch Stun Duration10+2s Tag Team Duration15Talent Tree-8s Snowball Cooldown2512% Chance Walrus Punch+75% Walrus Punch Crit20-6s Ice Shards Cooldown+120 Snowball Damage15+325 Health+0.75s Walrus Punch Stun Duration10+2s Tag Team Duration16Talent Tree-8s Snowball Cooldown2512% Chance Walrus Punch+75% Walrus Punch Crit20-6s Ice Shards Cooldown+120 Snowball Damage15+325 Health+0.75s Walrus Punch Stun Duration10+2s Tag Team Duration20