139105131416247861218Talent Tree+25% Magic Resistance25+20% Gunslinger chanceThe Calling summons 2 additional revenants202 Dead Shot Charges+=55 Gunslinger Damage15+3% Max HP Regen while inside The Calling+150 Health10+300 Dead Shot Cast RangeTalent Tree+25% Magic Resistance25+20% Gunslinger chanceThe Calling summons 2 additional revenants202 Dead Shot Charges+=55 Gunslinger Damage15+3% Max HP Regen while inside The Calling+150 Health10+300 Dead Shot Cast Range11Talent Tree+25% Magic Resistance25+20% Gunslinger chanceThe Calling summons 2 additional revenants202 Dead Shot Charges+=55 Gunslinger Damage15+3% Max HP Regen while inside The Calling+150 Health10+300 Dead Shot Cast Range15Talent Tree+25% Magic Resistance25+20% Gunslinger chanceThe Calling summons 2 additional revenants202 Dead Shot Charges+=55 Gunslinger Damage15+3% Max HP Regen while inside The Calling+150 Health10+300 Dead Shot Cast Range20Talent Tree+25% Magic Resistance25+20% Gunslinger chanceThe Calling summons 2 additional revenants202 Dead Shot Charges+=55 Gunslinger Damage15+3% Max HP Regen while inside The Calling+150 Health10+300 Dead Shot Cast Range25
213141613574891161218Talent Tree+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPSTalent Tree+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPS10Talent Tree+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPS15Talent Tree+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPS20Talent Tree+220 Fireblast Damage2517% Fireblast chance on attack+30 Bloodlust Attack Speed20+30 Strength+2/0.01 Dumb Luck Mana/Mana Regen Per Strength15+80 Damage-1s Fireblast Cooldown10+12 Ignite DPS25
111314162489135761218Talent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash DamageTalent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash Damage10Talent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash Damage15Talent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash Damage20Talent Tree50% chance of Anchor Smash on attack25+0.8s Ravage Stun Duration-4 Gush Armor20Anchor Smash affects buildings+-30% Anchor Smash Damage Reduction15+100 Gush Damage+-15% Gush Slow10+40 Anchor Smash Damage25
135721113164891061218Talent Tree-0.25s Battery Assault Interval25Debuff Immunity Inside Power Cogs+75 Rocket Flare Damage20Rocket Flare True Sight+24 Battery Assault Damage15+2 Power Cogs Hit To Kill+75 Hookshot Damage10+0.4s Rocket Flare Slow DurationTalent Tree-0.25s Battery Assault Interval25Debuff Immunity Inside Power Cogs+75 Rocket Flare Damage20Rocket Flare True Sight+24 Battery Assault Damage15+2 Power Cogs Hit To Kill+75 Hookshot Damage10+0.4s Rocket Flare Slow Duration14Talent Tree-0.25s Battery Assault Interval25Debuff Immunity Inside Power Cogs+75 Rocket Flare Damage20Rocket Flare True Sight+24 Battery Assault Damage15+2 Power Cogs Hit To Kill+75 Hookshot Damage10+0.4s Rocket Flare Slow Duration15Talent Tree-0.25s Battery Assault Interval25Debuff Immunity Inside Power Cogs+75 Rocket Flare Damage20Rocket Flare True Sight+24 Battery Assault Damage15+2 Power Cogs Hit To Kill+75 Hookshot Damage10+0.4s Rocket Flare Slow Duration20
489101357213141661218Talent Tree+3 Refraction Instances25=1.0s Meld Hit Bash+40 Refraction Damage20Refraction Dispels+100 Psi Blades Attack and Split Range15Refraction Can Be Cast While Disabled+5% Psionic Trap Slow10+2.5s Meld Debuff DurationTalent Tree+3 Refraction Instances25=1.0s Meld Hit Bash+40 Refraction Damage20Refraction Dispels+100 Psi Blades Attack and Split Range15Refraction Can Be Cast While Disabled+5% Psionic Trap Slow10+2.5s Meld Debuff Duration11Talent Tree+3 Refraction Instances25=1.0s Meld Hit Bash+40 Refraction Damage20Refraction Dispels+100 Psi Blades Attack and Split Range15Refraction Can Be Cast While Disabled+5% Psionic Trap Slow10+2.5s Meld Debuff Duration15Talent Tree+3 Refraction Instances25=1.0s Meld Hit Bash+40 Refraction Damage20Refraction Dispels+100 Psi Blades Attack and Split Range15Refraction Can Be Cast While Disabled+5% Psionic Trap Slow10+2.5s Meld Debuff Duration20Talent Tree+3 Refraction Instances25=1.0s Meld Hit Bash+40 Refraction Damage20Refraction Dispels+100 Psi Blades Attack and Split Range15Refraction Can Be Cast While Disabled+5% Psionic Trap Slow10+2.5s Meld Debuff Duration25
245713131489101161218Talent Tree+8 Mortimer Kisses Launched25+60% Lil' Shredder Attack Damage+60 Mortimer Kisses Impact Damage20+=2 Lil' Shredder Targets-4s Firesnap Cookie Cooldown15+1 Lil' Shredder attacks+25 Mortimer Kisses Debuff DPS10+70 Scatterblast DamageTalent Tree+8 Mortimer Kisses Launched25+60% Lil' Shredder Attack Damage+60 Mortimer Kisses Impact Damage20+=2 Lil' Shredder Targets-4s Firesnap Cookie Cooldown15+1 Lil' Shredder attacks+25 Mortimer Kisses Debuff DPS10+70 Scatterblast Damage15Talent Tree+8 Mortimer Kisses Launched25+60% Lil' Shredder Attack Damage+60 Mortimer Kisses Impact Damage20+=2 Lil' Shredder Targets-4s Firesnap Cookie Cooldown15+1 Lil' Shredder attacks+25 Mortimer Kisses Debuff DPS10+70 Scatterblast Damage16Talent Tree+8 Mortimer Kisses Launched25+60% Lil' Shredder Attack Damage+60 Mortimer Kisses Impact Damage20+=2 Lil' Shredder Targets-4s Firesnap Cookie Cooldown15+1 Lil' Shredder attacks+25 Mortimer Kisses Debuff DPS10+70 Scatterblast Damage20Talent Tree+8 Mortimer Kisses Launched25+60% Lil' Shredder Attack Damage+60 Mortimer Kisses Impact Damage20+=2 Lil' Shredder Targets-4s Firesnap Cookie Cooldown15+1 Lil' Shredder attacks+25 Mortimer Kisses Debuff DPS10+70 Scatterblast Damage25
238911131416145761218Talent Tree-0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay25+252 Damage-15s Blast Off! Cooldown20+125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius+3 Mana Regen15+200 Blast Off! Damage-3s Proximity Mines Cooldown10+20% Magic ResistanceTalent Tree-0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay25+252 Damage-15s Blast Off! Cooldown20+125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius+3 Mana Regen15+200 Blast Off! Damage-3s Proximity Mines Cooldown10+20% Magic Resistance10Talent Tree-0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay25+252 Damage-15s Blast Off! Cooldown20+125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius+3 Mana Regen15+200 Blast Off! Damage-3s Proximity Mines Cooldown10+20% Magic Resistance15Talent Tree-0.8s Proximity Mines Activation Delay25+252 Damage-15s Blast Off! Cooldown20+125 Sticky Bomb Latch/Explosion Radius+3 Mana Regen15+200 Blast Off! Damage-3s Proximity Mines Cooldown10+20% Magic Resistance20
913141513782451161218Talent TreeTar Bomb Multishot25-9s Strafe Cooldown+40 Strafe Attack Speed20+350 Death Pact Bonus Health+1 Death Pact Charge15+75 Attack Range-4s Skeleton Walk Cooldown10+0.75s Strafe DurationTalent TreeTar Bomb Multishot25-9s Strafe Cooldown+40 Strafe Attack Speed20+350 Death Pact Bonus Health+1 Death Pact Charge15+75 Attack Range-4s Skeleton Walk Cooldown10+0.75s Strafe Duration10Talent TreeTar Bomb Multishot25-9s Strafe Cooldown+40 Strafe Attack Speed20+350 Death Pact Bonus Health+1 Death Pact Charge15+75 Attack Range-4s Skeleton Walk Cooldown10+0.75s Strafe Duration16Talent TreeTar Bomb Multishot25-9s Strafe Cooldown+40 Strafe Attack Speed20+350 Death Pact Bonus Health+1 Death Pact Charge15+75 Attack Range-4s Skeleton Walk Cooldown10+0.75s Strafe Duration20
135724891113141661218Talent TreeArena Of Blood Grants Team +180 HP Regen25God's Rebuke +65% Crit+0.4s Spear of Mars Stun20-20s Arena Of Blood Cooldown+100 Spear Of Mars Damage15-2s God's Rebuke Cooldown+10% Dauntless Regen Per Enemy10+100 God's Rebuke DistanceTalent TreeArena Of Blood Grants Team +180 HP Regen25God's Rebuke +65% Crit+0.4s Spear of Mars Stun20-20s Arena Of Blood Cooldown+100 Spear Of Mars Damage15-2s God's Rebuke Cooldown+10% Dauntless Regen Per Enemy10+100 God's Rebuke Distance10Talent TreeArena Of Blood Grants Team +180 HP Regen25God's Rebuke +65% Crit+0.4s Spear of Mars Stun20-20s Arena Of Blood Cooldown+100 Spear Of Mars Damage15-2s God's Rebuke Cooldown+10% Dauntless Regen Per Enemy10+100 God's Rebuke Distance15Talent TreeArena Of Blood Grants Team +180 HP Regen25God's Rebuke +65% Crit+0.4s Spear of Mars Stun20-20s Arena Of Blood Cooldown+100 Spear Of Mars Damage15-2s God's Rebuke Cooldown+10% Dauntless Regen Per Enemy10+100 God's Rebuke Distance20Talent TreeArena Of Blood Grants Team +180 HP Regen25God's Rebuke +65% Crit+0.4s Spear of Mars Stun20-20s Arena Of Blood Cooldown+100 Spear Of Mars Damage15-2s God's Rebuke Cooldown+10% Dauntless Regen Per Enemy10+100 God's Rebuke Distance25
248111823246121517192021135791314Talent Treex2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPSTalent Treex2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPS10Talent Treex2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPS16Talent Treex2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPS22Talent Treex2x Quas/Wex/Exort Active Bonuses25Radial Deafening Blast+30 Alacrity Damage/Speed20+2 Chaos Meteors-5s Cold Snap Cooldown15-4s Sun Strike Cooldown-4s Tornado Cooldown10+50 Ice Wall DPS25